0472 –215 98 63 iletisim@agri.edu.tr

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General Information

Family medicine is an academic and scientific discipline with distinctive educational content, research, evidence base and clinical practice, and a clinical specialty with a primary care orientation. Family medicine discipline has 6 core competencies defined by WONCA Europe and 12 basic features defined under these core competencies.

Family Medicine Core Competencies

1. Primary care management
2. Person-centered care
3. Authentic problem-solving skills
4. Comprehensive approach
5. Being community oriented
6. Holistic approach-modeling

Basic Features of Family Medicine

1. It constitutes the first medical contact point of the people with the health system.
2. It ensures the effective use of health resources.
3. Develops a person-centered approach towards the individual, family and society.
4. It promotes the strengthening of the patient.
5. There is a unique patient interview process.
6. Responsible for ensuring the continuity of health services determined by the needs of the patient.
7. There is a unique decision-making process in which the prevalence and incidence of disorders in the community are decisive.
8. It manages the disorders that occur in an undifferentiated way in the early stage of development and may require immediate intervention.
9. Manages acute and chronic health problems of patients simultaneously.
10. Improves health and well-being through appropriate and effective interventions.
11. Takes a special responsibility for the health of the community.
12. Handles health problems with physical, mental, social, cultural and existential dimensions. (Holistic Approach)

Family Medicine Specialist is a medical doctor who has adopted these basic characteristics, provides personal and continuous service to individuals, families and the population registered in the health unit, regardless of age, gender and illness, and has received three years of specialization training after graduation from medical school.

Our Family Medicine Department was established in 2022 and serves in the Ağrı Training and Research Hospital Family Medicine Polyclinic based on the protocol signed between Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University Faculty of Medicine and Ağrı Training and Research Hospital. In our polyclinic, healthy child examination, periodic health examinations, health screenings, cancer screenings, obesity, diabetes, hypertension screening and follow-ups, undifferentiated patient examination are performed. There is an assistant profesor doctor in our department.

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