0472 –215 98 63 shmyo@agri.edu.tr

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OUR MISSION AND VISION: The basis of the understanding of the social state is to meet the health, care, social and educational needs of individuals with disabilities, like all other individuals. Today, there is a need for caregivers who can correctly determine the physical and psychological needs of individuals with disabilities, develop correct interventions and improve the quality of the service provided through family education, and ensure the continuity of these services. For this purpose, disabled care and rehabilitation technicians are trained to provide professional support services to the needy person at home or in the institution. Features expected from disabled care and rehabilitation care technicians:

To know the physical, psychological and developmental characteristics of individuals with disabilities.

To be able to analyze the treatment processes and needs of individuals with disabilities.have unconditional respect for individuals with disabilities and apply professional ethical principles

Taking precautions for their own health and safety

To ensure the cleaning and supply of tools and equipment used

Ability to make special care plans for each individual

To be creative, tolerant, innovative.

Students who graduate from this program get the title of "Health Technician".

Graduates' working areas: Disabled care and rehabilitation technicians can work in official and private disability care and rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, medical centers, polyclinics, hospitals, physical therapy and rehabilitation units and infirmary of various institutions.

Students who graduate from the program can transition to nursing, nutrition and dietetics, special education teachers, physiotherapy and language programs.

Program students have to do 30 days summer internship.