Mechatronics, which is accepted as the new and popular science of our age, arising from the combination of mechanical, electrical-electronic and computer engineering; It is an interdisciplinary concept that combines software and control engineering issues under the same roof. The scope of mechatronics, which can be expressed as a tight fusion of electronics and computers in design, process and product manufacturing, to design smart machines, mechanical design and analysis, robotic systems, image processing, control engineering, artificial neural networks and virtual with artificial intelligence. It can be listed as reality.
Mechatronics Design has found wide application in recent years due to the great facilities it provides in the control of mechanical systems.
Cars, robots, machine tools, washing machines, copiers, cameras, and many more intelligent machines that are settled in our daily lives are examples of mechatronic systems.
Purpose of the Program
The purpose of the mechatronics program is to bring the experts who can communicate with the experts in different fields, who know the design process very well, who can solve the technological problems they encounter with the support of modern technology, in our country's industry.
Content of the Program
"Mechatronic product" is a product or system that contains algorithmic control, that can perceive, reason, make decisions and act in accordance with this decision. For this reason, subjects such as engineering design, system dynamics, observation-modeling of production processes, robotic systems with moving control, force electronics, micro system design applications, industrial control design, sensors, image processing and virtual reality are covered in the curriculum.
When the mechatronics curriculum is considered as a discipline, it can be said that it is intertwined with the following areas:
a) Machine (design-production-system dynamics)
b) Control (system design-real-time systems-sensors)
c) Electric-Electronic,
d) Computer (algorithm application-coding-artificial intelligence-communication)
Job areas
The main application areas for the program graduates are all kinds of machine production including electronic and information processing micro systems, industrial automation, robots, micro robots, smart weapons and weapon systems and the automotive industry. For example, airbag security systems in vehicles, ABS brake systems, remote control door locks, driving and cruise control, engine and power systems control, passenger security systems, automatic production benches, medical devices, electronic devices for personal use, welding robots in the industry, used in space research and military robots, aircraft systems, security systems, air-conditioning systems, home and office applications, various hand tools, hand and automatic controlled hydraulic brakes and similar material handling and construction machines and many other fields such as agriculture, banking, mining. automation technologies can be mentioned.
Vertical Transition Sections
Upon successful completion of the associate degree program, graduates can transfer vertically to one of the four-year undergraduate programs in the following fields if they pass the Vertical Transfer Exam held by ÖSYM.
- Mechanical engineering
- Electronic Engineering
- Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Electrical engineering
- Manufacturing engineering
- Mechatronic Engineering
- Space Engineering
- Mechatronics Teaching
- Design and Construction Teaching
- Computer and Control Teaching
- Electricity Teaching
- Electronics Teaching
- Electronics and Computer Education
- Electronics and Communication Teaching
- Industrial Technology Education
- Control Teaching
Student Resource
Student resource of Mechatronics Program, Vocational high schools; Electricity, Electricity-Electronics, Electromechanics, Machinery, Computers, Electronics, Industrial Electronics, Ship Electronics and Communication, Control and Instrumentation Technology, Automatic Control, Telecommunications, Medical Electronics, Aircraft Maintenance Technician and Electronics, Aircraft Electronics, Industrial Automation Technology (Electronics) , Aircraft Maintenance and Electronics departments graduates and general high school graduates.
Student Admission to Mechatronics Program
Students will be placed in this section according to these scores by taking the Basic Proficiency Test (TYT) exam held by ÖSYM Presidency and getting enough “TYT” score.