0472 –215 98 63 iletisim@agri.edu.tr

Central Research and Application Laboratory


  • It is a device used for structure elucidation and quantification by operating LC/MS, HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) and MS (Mass Spectrometry) units together.

    HPLC unit;

    It consists of three main parts: pump, autosampler and detector.
     a.) LC Pump: It ensures that the mobile phases are pumped at the desired rates by the back and forth movements of the pistons.
     b.) Autosampler: Allows samples to be injected automatically. Control of the column oven and sample temperature is possible.
     c.) Column: Enables the retention and separation of substances at different times.

    Mass Spectrometer;

    It can be examined in three main parts: ion source, mass analyzer and ion detector system.
           a) Ion Max API Source: Depending on the sample to be analyzed, ESI (Electrospray Ionization) or APCI (Atmospheric Pressure Ionization Source) ionization techniques can be used. In general, polar compounds such as amines, peptides and proteins are analyzed by the ESI technique, and nonpolar compounds such as steroids are analyzed by the APCI technique.
           b) Mass Analyzer: Ions coming from the ion source are separated according to their m/z (mass/charge) ratios by subjecting them to a changing electric field in the mass analyzer. The device includes an Ion-Trap mass analyzer.
           c) MS Ion Detector System: MS detector is an ion detector system with high sensitivity and operating in positive and negative ion modes.
    Marka: LC-MS/MS (Liquid Chromatography - Mass - Mass Spectrometry)
    Model:  4000 Q TRAP
  • Working Principle
    In the LC-MS/MS technique, sample molecules are separated according to their physicochemical properties thanks to the UPLC device and analyzed with a mass detector. Mass spectrometers convert molecules into charged ionized molecules by stimulating them through the ionization process. In the first quadrupole filter, the molecules separated according to the m/z (mass/charge) ratio are subjected to fragmentation with a special high-purity gas (Nitrogen) called collision gas. Diagnosis and quantification are performed on the ions (daughter or product ions) formed as a result of fragmentation in the second quadrupole filter.

    It provides information about the amount, structure and molecular weight of the components present in the sample. From small compounds to the determination of large proteins, analyzes of polar ionic, thermally unstable and non-volatile compounds can be performed quickly and with high sensitivity. LC-MS/MS makes it possible to quantify substances at very low concentrations (ng/pg). There is also a need to verify the results.

    Usage areas

    In multi-analyte detection, precise quantification and verification of trace levels of analytes in complex matrices,
    Fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, etc. in food samples;
    Pesticides and their metabolites,
    Hormones and their metabolites,
    Aflatoxin-mycotoxin analyzes
    Measurement of drugs and their metabolites in biological samples such as tissue and blood
    Determination of pesticides, residues and pollution in water
    Flavonoid, Brassinosteroid, Isocyanate studies
    It is also used for the characterization of proteins in proteomic research.