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Project Based Mevlana
Project Based Mevlana
With Project-Based Mevlana, projects are carried out in the countries and subjects determined by YÖK and support is provided within the scope of the project for student and faculty exchanges.
When the new semester documents are announced, you can access the updated forms on this page.
When to Apply?
The application calendar is determined by YÖK. Applications for the 2018-2019 year are between
26.02.2018 – 09.04.2019.
Important Issues Regarding Mevlana Projects:
The most important difference that distinguishes Mevlana Projects from other scientific projects is that it provides support only for the costs incurred during mobility (round-trip) in order to realize the projects. The main element targeted by the Mevlana project is to cover the costs of travel and accommodation during their work in the other country in order to enable organizations with scientific competence and equipment to jointly use these capacities.
Mevlana projects, like other scientific projects, require the completion of an application form with detailed information on both the process and the outcome of the project, and the creation of useful scientific outputs at the end of the project.
One of the most important points to be noted is that projects involving only faculty mobility have very little chance of being supported. Projects should be planned and proposed in such a way as to realize mutual exchange of both students and faculty members.
Projects can be realized with almost all countries of the world.
Click here
for the list of countries where projects can be realized.
Projects can only be carried out on the topics determined by YÖK.
Click here
to access the relevant decision of YÖK and Project topics
We must have a Mevlana agreement with the university abroad. (Current agreement list) If we do not have an agreement with the university you want to do a project with, you need to contact the external relations office in order to start the agreement process. The agreement process consists of the following steps.
• Sending a "Recognition Request Petition" to the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) by the External Relations Office to determine whether the university abroad is recognized or not.
• Filling in the Mevlana Exchange Program Protocol by the units to be contracted. (Agreement list, institution codes list)
• Completion of the signature process by the External Relations Office.
Process related to Project Based Mevlana:
Determination of the project subject and partner by the unit that will carry out the project, and completion of the agreement process if there is no agreement.
Sample of the project form
containing the information of the project partner organization
If the project has any other support, it should be indicated in the additional documents to the Project form.
The documents received by the External Relations Office are forwarded to the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK).
The projects are evaluated by YÖK and it is decided whether they will be supported or not.
Issues related to payments:
The project budget is determined by YÖK for each project. In addition, the budget and disbursements are as follows.
• For the students who will participate in the exchange within the scope of the project, not exceeding three times the monthly scholarship amount paid to undergraduate students according to Law No. 5102;
• In accordance with Article 34 of the Per Diem Law No. 6245, the lecturers will be paid not to exceed the upper limit determined in accordance with the "Decision on Overseas Per Diems" approved by the Council of Ministers in the relevant year.
• The budget of machinery-equipment requests will be evaluated separately by YÖK and no payment will be made for these items. However, it should be indicated in the Project Proposal Application Form from where this expense item -if any- will be covered.
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