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From Our Rector

From Our Rector



Distinguished Members of Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University,

Universities are the center of science, progress and technology. The level of development of a country is directly related to the trained humanpower in that country. And trained humanpower is expressed in schooling rates in primary, secondary and higher education. Universities have two fundamental functions, one is research and the other is education and training. Our main duty should be to carry out the necessary scientific and technological researches in the fields needed by society and science, to raise trained humanpower who are beneficial to the society and to put these into the service of society and science.

However, universities do not only convey information, but also form moral and value judgments. Therefore, educational institutions should not only transfer their universal know-how to future generations, but also take it upon themselves to raise knowledgeable, virtuous and moral people, and bring to light the honorable representatives of our culture and civilization.

Our university is a whole as Rectorate, Deans, Directorates, General Secretariat, Administrative Staff and Students. As a part of this whole, it should be our sole thought and goal to continuously improve our quality and to perform our duties in the most effective manner, with mutual respect and love, by loving, internalizing and embracing. 

Our Most Valuable Teaching Staff,

Remember that you are the main source of academic success in universities.

Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University aims to raise individuals who adhere to national and spiritual values, who conduct research, question, criticize, who are intellectual, responsible and professionally well-equipped, and this will be achieved not just by conducting scientific research and educational activities but also by the meritorious works of you, who, having coalesced with our Ağrı province, will create solutions to the problems and develop new projects in line with the needs of the people of the region.

Your presence is the mainstay of our academic capacity. As members of a tradition that adopts the motto “let the man live so the state shall live” as a principle, our primary goals should be to create the infrastructure that is needed by our region, which has a rich lingual, historical and cultural richness, and to conduct in-depth research on this issue.

Dear Students,

You are the reason for our being. You should never forget that university student years are a harvest season, that you need to educate yourself both scientifically and professionally and socially, and that you have a great responsibility towards your family who endure great sacrifices for you. You should strive not only to be successful, but also to be a beneficial and valuable individual to the society. You are the bright future of this country. You should always be aware of this.

I advise you to get to know your university well. You will better understand and appreciate the perfection of being a student at Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University as you get to know and evaluate the opportunities that your university offers you. I am sure that the trust you feel will turn into a deep sense of belonging with the knowledge, experiences and happiness you will have at your university and that you will feel yourself as a member of Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University in every period of your life.  

Distinguished Employees of Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University

The quality of the service to be provided in our university will increase with your contributions. I have no doubt that you will give your support in the best way with a silver tongue, smiling face and great effort.

I am confident that all of us, within the framework of mutual respect and love, in a peaceful environment, will perform our duties not only by criticizing but also by making an observation and coming up with solutions, and that we will carry our university forward in this relay race.

I wish our work to be healthy, peaceful and productive, I call upon God for this new era to be auspicious especially for our university, for the education community, and for our country, and I offer my respect and love to all of you.

Prof. Dr. Abdulhalik KARABULUT

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