Mr. Ibrahim Çeçen, whose name was given to
our university, his distinguished biography and thoughts, Turkey’s precious
personality, a businessman from Ağrı
İbrahim ÇEÇEN, IC Investment Holding Board Chairman and founder of IC
Foundation, was born in Ağrı in 1941, after completing his primary and
secondary education in Ağrı, he graduated from Civil Engineering Department of
Cumhuriyet University. He started his career in 1964 and founded İçtaş İnşaat
in 1969. He still serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of IC
Holding, to which more than thirty companies are affiliated in the
construction, energy, tourism, industry, air and port management sectors. Since
1984, he has been providing free education scholarships. He founded IC İbrahim
Çeçen Foundation in 2004 to carry out his educational services in a corporate
He was
awarded with the “State Medal of Distinguished Service” by the Turkish Grand National Assembly in
2007 for his services in the fields of education, health, sports and arts, his
hard work, contributions and outstanding achievements for his country.
When I
left Ağrı for education in 1959, I could not have imagined that one day I would
donate a university to this city. Being able to contribute to the educational needs of my country
has been an issue that I care about in every period of my life. Firstly, in the
"Make Your Own School" campaign in the Eastern Anatolia region at
that time, I built a five-class primary school in Agri in 1986 with the
encouragement of President Kenan Evren.
When I
went to the Ağrı in 1998 to take part in İbrahim Çeçen Primary
education school’s groundbreaking ceremony as the second school with 16
classrooms, Milliyet newspaper of that day published an article headlined
“Turkey's poorest province per capita income of $ 550 is Ağrı province. This news made me very sad and impressed.
I made
many different kinds of aid in education, health, and vocational training.
Since 1984, I have provided free scholarships to our poor and successful young
students and athletes studying at the University. Nowadays there are close to
3,000 young employed people in Turkey's various locations, as district governor,
lawyer, judge, prosecutors, doctors, teachers and other professionals who have
graduated with the help of my scholarship. All this was not enough for me, and
It was necessary to do something that would also contribute to the economy and
social structure of the province. Turkey’s average per capita national income
increased to $ 2,200 in the 2000s, while in Ağrı was still $ 550. When I discussed with Dean of the Faculty of
Education of Erzurum University Professor Yaşar Sütbeyaz and asked him what to
do his ideas and suggestions convinced me that the establishment of a
University in Ağrı will make great contributions to the economic and social
structure of this city. “Eskişehir” was an example of ahead of us.
Yaşar’s suggestion made me excited, he said that in addition to an existing
faculty connected to Erzurum University in Ağrı, the decision to establish a
University in Ağrı would accelerate the process and he would support me if I
commit to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The basis of my idea for establishing
a university in Ağrı developed at that time.
applied to the Presidency of Higher Education Council written and verbally, in
2003. I was not denied, but they did not do anything that would open my way up.
I was very persistent and determined. I am pleased to state that my efforts may
have an effect on finding Ağrı between 17 provinces for the decision of the
state regarding the establishment of a university.
We have
taken on a duty as a family, we believe that this is the real wealth, and we are
very proud of what we do. Our children who will graduate from this university
will be our own being, and wealth. I hope that this university will raise young
people who have Republican and Atatürk Principles, who are determined to bring
the country to the level of advanced civilizations, and are determined,
characterful and love their country and nation.
In this
regard, I trust all of our teaching staff and Our rector, Mr. Abdulhalik
KARABULUT foremost and, I would like to express my belief that they will adopt
the scientific activities necessary for our university to be among the best
universities in the country, both in terms of its physical infrastructure and
teaching quality.
Best regards
İbrahim ÇEÇEN
2 Aralık 2008 – Ankara