0472 215 99 94 fef@agri.edu.tr

en-US Birim Adı

About Our Faculty

The following departments were established on 26.11.2008 upon the approval of the proposals of Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University Rector's Office to establish departments within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.


Departments within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences:

1.     Department of Mathematics

a) Department of Algebra and Number Theory

b) Department of Geometry

c) Department of Analysis and Functions Theory

d) Department of Topology

e) Fundamentals of Mathematics and Mathematics Logic Division

f) Applied Mathematics

g) Computer Sciences Department

2.     Physics Department

a) Department of General Physics

b) High Energy and Plasma Physics Department

c) Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics

d) Nuclear Physics Department

e) Department of Solid State Physics

f) Department of Mathematical Physics


3.     Chemistry Department

a) Inorganic Chemistry Department

b) Organic Chemistry Department

c) Analytical Chemistry Department

d) Physicochemistry Department

e) Biochemistry Department



4.     Biology Department

a) Department of General Biology

b) Botanical Department

c) Zoology Department

d) Department of Hydrobiology


5.     Molecular Biology and Genetics Department


6.     Department of History

a) Department of Ancient History

b) New Age History Department

c) Modern History Department

d) Medieval History Department

e) The Department of History of the Republic of Turkey

7.     Department of Turkish Language and Literature

a) Department of Old Turkish Literature

b) New Turkish Literature Department

c) Old Turkish Language Department

d) New Turkish Language Department

e) Department of Turkish Folk Literature


8.     Department of Russian Language and Literature

a) Department of Russian Linguistics

b) Department of Russian Culture and Literature


9.     Department of English Language and Literature

a) Department of English Linguistics

b) Department of English Culture and Literature


10.  Department of Sociology

a) Department of General Sociology and Methodology

b) Applied Sociology Department

c) Department of Sociology of Institutions

d) Department of Sociometry


11.   Geography Department

12.  Department of Statistics

13.  Archaeology Department

14.  Department of Psychology

15.  Department of Philosophy

16.  Department of Art History